
The 50 States Bucket List Challenge - 2018

Kristen Baird

This is so exciting!!! We’ve been presented with a kinda, sorta, bucket list-type challenge. Although we’re not planning on kicking any buckets (or anything else of such sort) any time soon, we have, however, set an exhilarating goal for 2019…to find clients and spread the Kristen Baird sparkle across as many of the 50 states as we can.

Periodically, as new orders come in, we’re going to update the below mapClick here to see the updated live map.  

If your state doesn’t have a fancy pink diamond marker on it yet, you’re in luck!! The first person to order from each unmarked state will receive an extra special perkYeay for you!!!

All I can say now is, GAME ON! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!
Kristen Baird_50 States Challenge Map

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